A 10-day group ride from Manhattan to Montreal helped one cyclist appreciate the rhythms of cycling, the camaraderie of other cyclists, and the awe of things we often overlook. Oh, and kazoos. There were plenty of kazoos.
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Seeing your smiling faces in the Bike Bits article made my day. I hung with you for parts of two days. Tivoli, after a big boomer storm, and then the next day, Hudson to Albany. I'm so glad to have you with me as we crossed the down power lines. But to be fair the lines were dead. I loved having bagels with you, and the great conversations. You all are the best. At Albany, we parted ways, me to Buffalo and you to Canada. Awesome. Now I get the kazoo thing. Haha.
Looks like an awesome ride! Thank you for sharing specifics (GPS route, places to eat, accommodates, etc.). I'm looking for my next bike trip and this looks very doable. Happy New Year and Happy Riding in 2024!
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