We eat a lot on bike tours, but it’s not only about the food. Ask someone about a recipe, and you are asking them about their lives. Food is not simply our fuel, just like bicycles are not only our mode of transport. Both are a way to appreciate and truly get to know the place we are working so hard to travel through in the first place.
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Always enjoy your stories and Magazine. Old guy here, what yhe best and easiest way to summit a touring story.
Thanks for all you do for cyclists.
Hi Joe,
You can use this link to submit a story to the blog: https://www.adventurecycling.org/about-us/media/adventure-cycling-guest-blog-post-submissions/
If you would prefer to submit to the magazine, you can use this link: https://www.adventurecycling.org/adventure-cyclist/adventure-cyclist-submissions/
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