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Well-written article and terrific photos! I am a photographer and can attest to the excellence of the photos.
In summer 1977 my brother and I did a Buffalo-San Francisco tour. No smartphones then- all we had was paper maps and a Rand-McNally guide to campgrounds.To get from Salt Lake City to Reno, we considered taking US 6 and US 50 versus I-80. Due to the great expanse with no services on the US-6/US 50 route, we chose I-80, which was great because the interstate had a wide and smoothly paved shoulder. We were in excellent physical condition by then and did a couple of 130-mile days, although just west of a town called Lovelock, we hit a very strong headwind. We'd started at sunrise and done 80 miles by rest-time around 1:00 but managed only 30 miles for the rest of the day. Ugh. I can also relate to random small showers dropping a bit of rain on the author. Happened to us often in Utah and Nevada. Small, circumscribed showers, over in minutes but much appreciated. Thank you, Dan!
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