The Route To Emancipation by Black History Bike Ride follows three friends as they embark on a 350-mile cycling route from the Texas Capitol in Austin to the site where Juneteenth began in 1865, Galveston, TX. The four-day journey takes viewers back through centuries of Black history in Texas, with interviews from educators, historians, and community leaders along the way.
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Your experience sounds incredibly meaningful and impactful. I understand stories are being collected now but I'm much more inclined to learn about history as I encounter it. The challenge with the rude in which you participated is that you had access to people that most other cyclists wouldn't. Even if the orators weee all willing, it would be unsustainable. Are efforts being made to put up permanent displays to interpret the sites and the history that took place?. Or is anyone developing a downloadable route map with accompanying interpretative information? Might this be an ACA option (available on windproof waterproof paper)?
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